måndag 16 juli 2012

Glory-James ad

The ad says:

James & Glory had puppies in July
3 males and 2 bitches.

If you are interested of this combination, please contact
Web page: www.twinhills.nu

Netherlands & American Ch
WCD ClubJugendSieger 2009
Amsterdam Winner 2010
# 1 Whippet Holland 2010

2 CC's in Sweden
1 CC in Finland
# 1 debutant bitch in Sweden 2009

Glory with her puppies

Our J-litter (Ch Woodbrooks Askme Howifell - Twin Hills Glorious), which today is 2 weeks old. 4 of them have already opened their eyes, it was a bit hot to be outside in the sun for a moment, still more comfortable in whelping box, where their whole world is.

Short film Clip of our J-litter

Twin Hills J-litter
Today, 4 puppies opened their eyes, Mom Glory guarding her puppies like a hawk.