torsdag 26 december 2013

Approximately 10 days left to puppies

Now it's pretty close, hoping for 5-6 puppies.
Twin Hills Glorious will give birth in approx. 10 days.

onsdag 18 december 2013

3 weeks left...

3 weeks left before Glory will give birth, she is doing well and so far, so good

tisdag 12 november 2013

Twin Hills Glorious is mated now!!

Twin Hills Glorious is mated now!!
Twin Hills Glorious is mated with Sobresalto Quann Staje C'me Re 

The mating took place in Helsinki on 8 and 9 November. 
Hopefully we will have puppies in the beginning of January 2014
"Glory" a bit tired after the mating.

tisdag 29 oktober 2013

We shall mate Glory on November 8 to 9

Now it's time to mate Glory, we're going to Finland and mate her
with Sobresalto Quann Staje C'Me-Re "Vito"
We hope for puppies in the begin of January 2014

fredag 30 augusti 2013

Twin Hills Breeders’ Class in Visby 2013

Our Breeders’ Class in Visby August 2013


Twin Hills Glorious, JJ, James Jr., Gatsby

Twin Hills James Jr.

Visby Int. all breed show 24 August 2013, judge Gerhard Jipping, NL
Twin Hills James Jr. got his first CAC
Best male-4

Evita CAC BOB Swedish Sighthound Club

Visby Swedish Sighthound Club August 26 judge Annette Bystrup, Denmark


onsdag 31 juli 2013

Kennel Twin Hills BOB breeder group and BIS Brace

Kennel Twin Hills BOB Breder Group att "Skokloster Summer Show 2014"
Arr: The Swedish Sighthoud Club
Judge: Ms Claude Rebourg, France, Breeders Group
Arr: The Swedish Whippet Club
Judge Ms Noreen Harris, Australia, brace Group
Ch Twin Hills Gatsby, TH James Jr, TH JJ & TH Glorious
                                                                                                      Photo Pekka Nykopp
Foto: Jag mobiliserar mina krafter för att återgå till jobbet på torsdag - men jag kommer att vara sjukskriven 25% i en månad och det känns klokt! Fick just en finfin bild på Twin Hills Gatsby och Twin Hills James JR som vann parklassen på lördagen - lika som bär eller hur?
Ch Twin Hills Gatsby & Twin Hills James Jr
                                           Photo: Birgitta Thörnqvist

Planned mating

Planned mating spring 2014
Twin Hills Glorious (3 CC) and Sobresalto Quann Staje C'Me-Re


onsdag 26 juni 2013

Vår älskade Dani / Our beloved Dani

Idag har vår alfatik Ch Bokellas Detroit Red Wings fått somna in,
hon skulle ha fyllt 16 om en månad.
Dani kommer alltid att vara speciell för oss, alla våra
hundar brås på henne.
Today has our alfabitch Ch Bokellas Detroit Red Wings been put to sleep,
She would have turned 16 next month.
Dani will always be special to us, all our
dogs have her bloodlines.

måndag 27 maj 2013

Twin Hills JJ

Twin Hills JJ on his first official show. He won his class with Excellent Cq
Judge Mr Jean Jaques Dupas, France (An All breed judge)
Mum Twin Hills Glorious at the same show with Exl

söndag 17 mars 2013

Evita BOB and CC

Evita BOB and CC at the Swedish Sighthound Club in Köping today,
judge Mr Christian Magré, France.

(The day before she became BOB and BIG-1, unofficial show in Sollentuna)
Photo: Eja-Lena Hedberg

Photo: Karin Lind

lördag 16 februari 2013

Dog Show Sollentuna 16 February 2013

Results from todays dog show Sollentuna
Magic Colour Cosmo Chanel BOB, Twin Hills JJ BOS
Evita BOB and BIG-2


2013-02-16 Dog Show

Results from todays dog show i Sollentuna
Magic Colour Cosmo Chanel BOB, Twin Hills JJ BOS
Evita BOB and BIG-2


tisdag 12 februari 2013

Our I-litter turns 2 years

Congrats to our I-litter who turns 2 years old today February 12 2013

onsdag 6 februari 2013

Got Int 4/1-13 & Puppyshow 12/1-13

12 January 2013 puppyshow, both Twin Hills JJ and our Podengo Portugues Evita
was exhibited for the second time. Twin Hills JJ has been BOS both times and
become BOB.
The competition is slightly harder among whippets when there are many
being exhibited.

Whippet Judge Karl-Erik Johansson, Sweden

Gothenburg Int January 4, 2013 Twin Hills JJ became BOS,
judge Mia Sandgren Sweden


Twin Hills breeder group